Saturday, September 29, 2007

One step at a time ...

This morning I went for the American Heart Association's 5K Heart Walk. It's a fund/awareness raising community event that directly funds Cardiac research. I had never "done a walk" before. My friends suggested the HeartWalk and I decided to go for it. The cause is important to each one of us-- a healthy heart. We've all got one, we rely on it every second of the day, and we need it to be strong for a lifetime. And its important to be aware and spread awareness. I always believed its never too early to start. Was convinced today - there were hundreds of people (infants to oldies) walking around the downtown Orlando area for a cause! And for me : walking never felt better than this :)

I' was inspired because my dad suffered a massive cardiac arrest three years ago. Also, being a doctor himself, he is aware of the AHA and their goals and supports their mission. He was touched when I told him about it and it felt like I reached out to him. One day before World Heart Day, it was my own little way of showing my dad how much I love him.

I have decided to go for similar events whenever they happen in the future. Its my single step. No matter how small a difference that makes.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Between here and there

I have this strange feeling. Its been almost 2 months in this country now. But I still feel like I'm going through the motions of moving forward and hanging on again. I think all too often of all that I've left behind, and I'm fascinated by all that lies within me. I have this intense desire of being in the arms of the people that I love. To remember how it feels to be surrounded by people who know me for me. Yet I am in awe of the experiences and self reliance I have come to know in only a few weeks, a couple months, out here on my own. The feeling of independence, of getting to know myself, of taking care of things on my own, of growing up.

Somewhere inside my core, there is something that still enables me to know and believe that where I am is exactly where I am meant to be. To learn and to be just me, maybe for the first time in my life. To learn how to stand on my own accord. To be self reliant, and to rediscover. To smile. To remember. To be thankful. To meet people and be myself and be loved for that all over again. Appreciating this new life which is better than I ever thought it could be. I am happy.

But sometimes I don't know how to balance emotions or feelings. I don't know how to say things to even my closest friends and family because I can't describe the intensity these mixed emotions have.

I'm somewhere between here and there. Waiting to learn more.Wanting just to remember.