Admitting you have a problem is supposed to be the first step to recovery. So here I am admitting that I'm addicted to sugar. To an extent that sometimes I feel there's only one taste that pleases my tastebuds - sweet that is! When an alcoholic seeks help for their addiction they are eventually required to stop consuming alcohol all together. I haven't heard of many plans that say, you can just cut back and only drink on the weekends and you will be okay. Or, just drinking on holidays or special occasions is acceptable.
I know that some of you are probably thinking that addiction is too strong a word for my relationship with sugar. Because I knew you would be thinking this, I looked up the definition of addiction in the dictionary. Here is what I found :
ad·dic·tion (ə-dĭk'shən) n.
Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance
The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something.
Okay, so the second definition could pretty much peg you as addicted to anything in the world. Sugar many forms it calls to me. Maybe I am not beyond saving though. I haven't sunk to eating sugar in its pure and overly processed form. Maybe there is still hope. haha. Maybe if I stop going anywhere or doing anything I can overcome it. Alcoholics would need to avoid going to bars, or liquor stores. I would need to avoid going to any grocery store. If there were an alcoholic at a special event where booze was served like dessert, would you think it was okay for them to have just one or two drinks since it was a special occasion?Am I making light of my sugar addiction? Is it just a big joke to me? Well, I am making light of it a little bit. Yes, I am slightly amused with my condition. But I am also concerned about it. Are there others like me?
I will close with a quote from my close friend. When I shared my concern with her, here's what she said , "Nothing says I love you better than a veggie plate. Think about it." :)
If you come to my house, and I serve you a rich and wonderful dessert, just remember that sugar makes me feel loved...and I am just passing that love along to you! :P