This morning I went for the American Heart Association's 5K Heart Walk. It's a fund/awareness raising community event that directly funds Cardiac research. I had never "done a walk" before. My friends suggested the HeartWalk and I decided to go for it. The cause is important to each one of us-- a healthy heart. We've all got one, we rely on it every second of the day, and we need it to be strong for a lifetime. And its important to be aware and spread awareness. I always believed its never too early to start. Was convinced today - there were hundreds of people (infants to oldies) walking around the downtown Orlando area for a cause! And for me : walking never felt better than this :)
I' was inspired because my dad suffered a massive cardiac arrest three years ago. Also, being a doctor himself, he is aware of the AHA and their goals and supports their mission. He was touched when I told him about it and it felt like I reached out to him. One day before World Heart Day, it was my own little way of showing my dad how much I love him.
I have decided to go for similar events whenever they happen in the future. Its my single step. No matter how small a difference that makes.
Grt to know abt u'r AHA 5K Heart Walk. A real nice way of spreading awareness - u'r dad must have felt just great!
Another 5K walk I happen to know abt - 'Making Strides Against Breast Cancer' by the American Cancer Society. This yr in Orlando, it is going to be at Lake Eola on 27th Oct at 8:30 am. (
Here's something I'ed like to share, since u mentioned abt u'r dad suffering from a cardiac arrest some years ago. Quite sure u'r dad knows already, but here goes -
100% Pomegranate juice (by POM Wonderful) is supposed to be very healthy not only for heart patients, but anyone for that matter. It helps prevent hardening of arteries, is very rich in antioxidants, great for the digestive system, and also the prostate. Kinda like an elixir.
Within the last yr or two, after its all-round health benefits were clearly understood, Walmart and other stores have started offering it.
Anyways, the next time onwards, u can choose to post in advance abt any such events, so that interested people can help support the cause..
See ya! :)
that's nice. my dad suffered two heart attacks too and its a cause special to me too...good work gurl!
@Abhijit: Can't thank you enough for sharing that. Shows how genuine and sensitive a person you are! I really appreciate it :)
And I am aware of the American Cancer Society 5K walk, are you joining in?
@hobgoblin: Thanks! Glad you're back :)
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