Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Single Moment

Isn't it funny how a single moment, a single instant in time can make or break your day? And isn't it strange when the someone responsible for this drastic change in mood is an absolute stranger?

The other day, I was at the counter at our local Walgreen's store, and there was this woman with a little girl standing next to me. The little one looked at me, beamed, smiled her brightest smile and gave me an awfully sweet compliment. Then while she was walking away with her mother she turned back and waved at me. I waved back and then turned and looked at the guy at the counter with a big stupid grin on my face. Which I couldn’t wipe off the entire day :) Still grinning actually.

Strange indeed how our lives intersect in inconsequential yet meaningful ways.


Unknown said...

I agree. These moments can really make or break your day and a compliment for a stranger always leaves you feeling warm & fuzzy inside. :)

prashant said...

It isn't about the compliment.. its about the moment .. when even you don't know what happened. That is a moment that would count. That is a moment that leaves us feeling complete till its effect wears out. That is a moment we have lived.

Lol.. the best thing about philosophy is that you can stretch it as long as you want, provided you are able to hold both the ends in your hands.