I've noticed there is a lack of romance in this world. And it seems strange to me. Think about it for a moment... Imagine how you would like to be approached by someone who is interested in you. Picture, for just a moment, your knight in shining armor. What would he do when you first met him? Perhaps he'd present himself chivalrously and offer you a bouquet. Would he confidently ask you for your company in a walk through the park? Would he take you out to a candle lit dinner at your favorite restaurant? Would he curl up with you in front of the TV after bringing you a glass of wine?
Almost everyone would be knocked off their feet by things like this. We can each think of a thousand little romantic things that a person could do to sweep us off our feet. Yet... how often do we do such things? We all know we'd like them, but we're afraid to actually do them! If we can imagine how someone could be romantic to us, then what stops us from being romantic toward someone we'd like to impress and express our interest in?
Perhaps its just me... Being a bird-ish creature, we have to show off ourselves and impress someone we're interested in. I'd just like to say, don't be afraid of doing the same thing yourself. When you see that person you'd really like to spend more time with, turn on the romance! There's no reason not to. Don't be embarrassed to try and sweep someone off their feet. Go for it! Do for them what would sweep you off YOUR feet. The worse they can do is say no, and if you don't show a little romance, they'll probably say no anyway!
I say this because I feel there really should be more romance in the world, it makes everything a lot sweeter ....
...and because I'm still waiting for someone to sweep me off MY feet ;)
It seems simple but sometimes once you try to show it to the other person, it never ends and I don't know how you can make anyone believe or feel and exactly what is that they want to feel.
But then some will say, if you don't get out there you don't learn.
I would say that best romance would be the one that just happens by itself.
I wish it was simple.
I also meant to say how important it is to keep the romance alive! Even after you are engaged or married - surprising each other, doing little romantic things often, not taking each other for granted. The initial phase of love/romance is always the best but would be nice if we could keep the flame alive after the proposal has been accepted or the knot tied. don't you think?
No matter how long you are in a relationship but one should never take anything for granted.
Its not only true for relaionships but in general one should never take anything for granted.
I just meant to keep a check on doing things to impress someone in the initial stages. But once its final then there is no need to go slow, then sky is the limit.
Well, aside from having to rent a 'shining armor' from a costume shop, couldn't agree with you more :)
I was just watching 'Across the Universe' today and was marveling at how simple things can be, that a song/statement like 'I wanna hold your hand' could convey so much.
I guess we end up losing ourselves in the mundane things, chores that we've come to associate with the word 'life' and how a few negative experiences or social context can complicate such a fundamental instinct.
Ok, I'm rambling now, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say.
AB: SO relieved to know atleast some people think alike! :P I thought maybe I was heavily influenced by the movies to think it IS a 'fundamental instinct' and should never get bruised by experience..
As John Lennon would say:
They may say you're a dreamer,
But you're not the only one.
I hope some day they'll join us,
And the world will be as one!:)
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