Just read this by C.S Lewis while randomly browsing online and it really changed the way I've looked at life so far.
"Little people like you and me, if our prayers are sometimes granted, beyond all hope and probability, had better not draw hasty conclusions to our own advantage. If we were stronger, we might be less tenderly treated. If we were braver, we might be sent, with far less help, to defend far more desperate posts in the great battle."
I love that. I am grateful for the tenderness of God that keeps me from a post I would fail at, and for the trust to be brave in some difficult assignments I have been given.
Here's to living an inspired day!
hey nice one Madhura...ya i can speak for myself...experienced lots of ups and downs...but overall i'll say i've enjoyed every bit of the unique journey thats life...and thats may be coz i love confronting challenges and rising above them...this quote will definitely encourage me to retain faith in myself in testing times...keep on posting some more inspiring blogs :)
That was very inspiring.Life's most profound lessons come your way when you least expect them. Don't you think so? I wanna share something too. I was attending a FOREX trade workshop last year and the speaker said something that struck a chord in me. He said " If you are comfortable doing something everyday, then you are not learning anything new"
So here is to embracing the new knowledge and new experiences...
n BTW...I love you :)
@Ashis: I try to retain faith in myself at all times. Thats what keeps me going. Glad my post inspired you!
@Appy: I totally agree. I'm so glad I'm learning new things! And thanks coz you've been inspiring me a lot.
n BTW...I love you more :D
@areille: yay! i'm so happy you wrote that. its funny how excited i am right now...lol.. i SO adore your blog that it felt great to see your comment on mine.
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